Global Renewable Energy Provider Chooses Seco/Deals Service Offer From Seco/Warwıck

One of the leading global power, aviation and renewable energy providers has selected SECO/WARWICK Group’s SECO/DEALS offer for a vacuum furnace hot zone replacement.

19:18:40 | 2020-10-21

Two champions together again 

The champion of heat treatment solutions - SECO/WARWICK and one of the leading global renewable energy providers are going to work together again. Both companies have continued their cooperation since the decade of the 90’s, successfully partnering to supply high vacuum furnaces with soldering and aging processes equipped with metal and graphite chambers. Recently, the SECO/WARWICK Group delivered a custom-size vacuum furnace to the Client’s facility. This year, the company’s service team replaced the hot zone of a horizontal vacuum furnace. The replacement was designed with the use of the newest, most technologically advanced materials in the industry that will, in turn, prolong the manufacturer’s guarantee for the furnace

Special deals with SECO/WARWICK

SECO/DEAL$ by SECO/WARWICK is considered to be the hottest sales service offer currently available in the heat treatment market. The SECO/DEALS program, in this case, consisted of the replacement and modernization of a hot zone in a 20+ year old furnace to be installed in the Client’s facility in Hungary, Europe. 

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