Retech Sells Furnaces, Forges Relationships
Retech, a SECO/WARWICK Group division, has been awarded contracts for new furnaces from a longstanding repeat business partner. Having worked closely with Retech for a number of years, the partner knew Retech’s reputation for quality and preferred the familiarity of its products. This combination means that the new furnaces should allow them to expand their production.
The order includes both Electron Beam (EB) and Vacuum Arc Remelt (VAR) furnace technology.
“They are a good Retech partner who has purchased Retech furnaces previously. The VAR furnace is a follow-up to other similar systems we sold them before, as is the EB. This is a partner that is happy with our equipment, with the results that they get, and with Retech’s overall delivery and service, everything. They consider us their first-choice supplier for these solutions”
- said Earl Good, Retech Managing Director.
/ Return On Investment Brings Returning Business
Vacuum Arc Remelt technology operates similarly to the far older metallurgical process of stick welding, except with a much larger welding rod of several tons, and it is shielded from oxidation by a vacuum chamber instead of a flux.
Electron Beam technology operates similarly to the cathode ray tube in old television sets, except instead of energizing a phosphorescent screen in a sealed vacuum tube, the electron beam heats a melt pool in a large vacuum chamber.
With 60 years of industry leading experience, plus domestic headquarters, R&D and production conveniently located in Buffalo, working with Retech also reduces risk, both in equipment functionality and in supply chain disruption, offering peace-of-mind that commissioning will be an on-schedule, turn-key experience.