Lightweight and Reliable: Radicigroup's Constantly Evolving Range Of Engineering Polymers
Functional analysis to identify the best materials for the final application Webinar discussion on UL Prospector…
A technical webinar, in collaboration with UL Prospector, to explain RadiciGroup High Performance Polymers' approach to helping customers identify the right material for their application: a functional analysis is performed to identify the key characteristics to be met and then the project is developed together. The entire process considers the full life cycle of the application, from design to end of life.
We rely heavily on our long-standing expertise in the area of engineering polymers,” said Erico Spini, global marketing manager of RadiciGroup High Performance Polymers. “We always go further and work in partnership with our customers on projects for the development of new materials, also taking into account ecodesign principles. Technical and environmental performance are two sides of the same coin.“
This interactive approach is supported by an accurate, in-depth calculation methodology: High Performance Polymers’ computer-aided-engineering (CAE) service is used to perform numerical computer simulations to build a virtual reproduction of the material moulding process and to simulate the stress (mechanical, thermal or others) experienced by the component in real usage conditions. The aim is to predict the component’s behaviour at an early stage of the development process in order to recognise and anticipate possible problems, select the most suitable material for the purpose and generally optimize the design. During the webinar, the properties of some of the RadiciGroup High Performance Polymers product families will be illustrated, along with some success stories achieved in partnership with customers.